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Activate! Upgrade your energy for better guidance, and more power to manifest desires.

Why Activate?
Activations help us have a fuller and easier access to the Source so it becomes more effortless to remember our divinity and receive reliable guidance. We are “dimmed down” to accept this physical body and this world. We grow into our awareness and can choose to activate the dormant energy structures we have on standby. They help us flow energy more effectively as we bring Light to this world. We can, therefore, make our human experience healthier, happier, more peaceful and abundant.

The knowledge and tools of awakening to our full potential were kept safe for humanity in various ancient Mystery Schools. The Modern Mystery School in open to the public so we all can access this knowledge and choose to train to share it with others.  Let us help you restore your access to you divine power so you can make better choices, discern what this world means to you and how to use it to manifest your desires with more ease and grace. 

Choose to activate your divine blueprint inside your physical and spiritual DNA. Continue to activate more of your Light Body on a path of true empowerment to heal, balance and bring fulfillment to your life.  Join us to receive more clarity on your life path and purpose, to heighten your intuition by training your senses, and to access more of your true potential with tools of power given to humanity by Angels.

How would you like to improve your daily life? Consider receiving a Life Activation, a 3000-year-old method that opens up your potential to know and work with your divine essence. The benefits are many, and proven to turn on divine guidance, awaken your blueprint for your purpose, better connect your body, mind, heart, soul, and spirit, and, consequently, bring more joy and peace into your daily life. During the process, your energy field is balanced, easing control of your old and challenging patterns so you can heal more deeply and hear your guidance more clearly, making it easier to make good shifts in life.

Your DNA is infused with Light, and negativity is pushed back so your heart and soul can guide you to creating a better life. You will feel the ancient wisdom confirm a significant change in your whole being.  A higher vibrational set of drops will assist you to continue integration for 4 to 6 weeks.  So, if you are ready, willing and able to make a meaningful change into your life, your relationships, environment, reach out and connect to receive this sacred and powerful modality.  

Life Activation

Handed down in a direct lineage from King Solomon, this modality activates and enhances the natural flow of energy and Light in a human body and enhances your access to information that contains the master plan, the divine blueprint for who you are, where you come from and what your life purpose is in this world. 

In preparation for activation we help you clear negativity, balance your central core, magnetic and elemental energies, and repair your crystal lines so your aura can clear and repair itself more easily.  The activation turns on dormant receptors for your direct connection to the Light and Divine Realms.  Energy Exchange $250 with a homeopathic remedy

Learn more from Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke, the host of Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV:

Full Spirit Activation

In this modality, your mind gets better connected to your chakras so the energy of the mind and soul and spirit communicate better. it increases your connection to Galactic origin.

Therefore, it gets easier to hear and feel the voice of the soul and spirit and consequently to live your souls’ purpose and to manifest your desires with the power of feeling and knowing we are eternal and galactic in origin. Energy Exchange, $300  (prior Life Activation is required or tune-up within a month)

Fire Soul Activation

This powerful healing and activation coming from the Advanced Sacred Geometries (Level 5). This modality re-calibrates the whole human magnetic structure, while activating and enhancing the Fire - Soul - Spirit connections in the body.

It can purify, raise and deepen our levels of awareness as divine beings, bring more clarity and infuse passion to honor who and what we are, so we make better choices in self-care and choose a better direction in life to express our divine nature. Energy Exchange $300 (1 hr)

Core Will Infusion/Activation

Another powerful healing and activation coming from the Advanced Sacred Geometries (Level 6). This modality enhances our connection with Spirit and the Will of God, Universe/Nature and Human.

It opens the mind to be more balanced, allowing it to be affected by the holy, divine realms, so we have more reverence for life. It becomes easier to receive divine guidance and fulfill our purpose how to bring, express and share the Light with this realm. Energy Exchange $300 (1 hr)

   Kabbalistic Healing &
Tree of  Life Activation

This healing will establish a deeper connection to God and the pattern of creation stored in each sphere on the Tree of Life.  We awake it, infuse it with Light, activate and balance the whole Tree. 

In addition, the Heart Infusion invokes more joy in life helping to overcome sadness, negativity and heal past heart trauma.   Energy Exchange $300

Unified Chakra Awakening

It activates a chakra system of 2,418 points. It connects and unifies all the energies of the light body with the physical body, providing you with a deeper connection to your spiritual essence. This healing will bring you to a peaceful state of mind as it fights apathy, and awakens your soul and nervous system. It also facilitates the feeling and knowing of your galactic nature and origin.


Some of the benefits:

 Increase your spiritual awareness 

  • Bring about a peaceful state of mind
  • Address apathy and low energy
  • Increase the amount of light in your body

Energy Exchange: $350 (can be a stand alone healing, or combined with Starseed galactic healing for a package of $600. both are strongly recommended after the Galactic Activation 1 (activation of the 23rd and 24th DNA codes and galactic connections)


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