Spiritual Drug Detox System

Spiritual Drug Detox

Holistic Recovery from Chemical Substances

This holistic recovery program is a system of clearing energetic pollution from the past by restoring the original pure mind, body and soul to create a better future where we can make better choices in health, wealth and happiness. We all have a power to choose and create a life of good health. We all are challenged to give in to stresses in life and we are meant to learn from the challenges. We will not judge you for the choices you have made, the investments or damage from recreational drugs or creating illness that led you to pollution from pharmaceutical medications that could have cost you anywhere from a few hundreds to thousands each month in pain medications, cigarettes, heavy duty gateway drugs, antidepressants or chemotherapy.

We will not engage in drama or pity for your life choices that may have led you to a life of highs and lows, regrets, guilt and shame and any other reasons for a 'need to numb out.'  We will do, however, encourage you, help you become more awake and aware, heal at the deepest level, stabilize and recover your strength of Free Will and shift your consciousness to do better for yourself, your family, your fellow humans and this world. We will cheer you on as assist you so you recover as much as you are ready, willing and able to achieve. We will offer guidance and energetic tools you can use to feel fully recovered and restored back to wholeness. With it you can choose to enjoy your body, mind, soul and spirit. Let us help you reconfigure yourself to make that creation happen with more ease and grace. Have a life of fulfilled dreams and desires, free from control of anyone and/or anything!

We all have unavoidable exposure to toxins in our environment and most often hear or feel the effects of toxic chemical exposure to our physical body, be it pollution from food, water, air, cigarettes, drugs, or various forms of medications. There are many other toxins that can make our reality unbearable so we choose to numb and avoid responsibility for making changes in our lifestyle to heal and create a happier and healthier reality.  These toxins can be emotional damage from trauma and hooks from past emanations (lives.) 

All combined add to the pollution and, therefore, damage to our physical and energetic body, both the emotional, mental and soulful aspects. Yes, that means our soul also gets polluted. Consequently, it can become much harder to remember who we are, what our gifts and talents are and what unique purpose we came here with to offer to this world. It all can add to a vicious cycle of numbing ourselves with negativity or harmful chemical substances, even if they try to help our frustration and suffering of the mind and body. We can often feel disappointed and weak when we try to avoid the cycle of despair but cannot and fail in our recovery due to ineffective therapies and guidance that is not holistic or help us make shifts in consciousness. We often judge ourselves harshly for the failures, further adding guilt and shame and cause more emotional damage.

This Spiritual Drug Detox offers a complete energetic system of remedying various damage in life. It helps to remove triggers from the past, restore purity in the mind and soul, release and heal emotional wounds, repair, reconfigure and reconstruct the energy system: the auric structures, chakra system, etheric body, and more. Therefore, the sessions facilitate healing of the physical, emotional and mental body by restoring homeostasis. The sessions take us back to the point in time of balance we all had early in life when we were still pure and accepted our choice of coming here to fulfill our mission, to learn from and to enjoy this world.  Its unique effectiveness comes from the ancient wisdom and tools to access the soul, to help it let go of toxins, restore balance in the mind and body and clear access for the spirit to communicate more effectively.

The system comprises of 10 sessions: 9 sessions to purify, restore and reconstruct balance with the 10th session to work with healing DNA and seal the energy field so the balance is easier to maintain.  As an added benefit, you will also receive an alchemical homeopathic DNA Repair remedy to facilitate homeostasis after completing the sequence of healing sessions.  Each session is $400  For a full prepay, we offer a package of $3500 for the savings of $500, or a monthly payment plan of $630 for 6 months. 

For optimum results, the sessions are recommended to be two weeks apart and we ask that no other reconstructive energy work be done at the same time.  The first session will take about 2 hours and others will be about 1 and half hours long. The sessions can be more frequent but have to be less than one month apart.  A full protocol of a Life Activation (an additional $250 and 1 to 1.5 hours) is a prerequisite and can be built into the prepaid package for an additional $200 ($50 savings).  The system can be supported by other gentle healing modalities before, during and after. It is customized to address your unique set of variables and place in your healing journey.

Please connect with us for more information or to discuss your healing concerns. We are not drug counselors or licensed or medically trained therapists that can deal with harsh symptoms of withdrawal from gateway drugs. We are here to help you in your desire to recover, stay clean, clear of chemicals and eliminate triggers as well and urges that can lead to relapses. We hope you allow us to help you get rid of chemical dependencies and pollution caused by cigarettes or side effects from medications. This is an energetic healing system.  It has a potential to truly help you start over in life and rebuild it so you create a life you love living  and become the person you were or want to be.

We wish you all the best in your healing.     

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